I have been doing some small jobs. I managed to drill out the hole for the center board. I missed the center slightly, so I had to refill with epoxy and re-drill. Instead of using an electric drill, I used this old hand drill I had. Seemed to do the trick.
I went by West Marine and bought a 3/8 inch stainless steel bolt and worked on cutting that today. Below is the 1 3/4" rod I ended up with.
I also worked on the hole in the center board and managed to drill that wrong or at least not to my satisfaction. I refilled with epoxy and will try again to get it straighter.
Some other side jobs I have been working on is getting my table saw ready to start working on the spars. I purchased a mobile base for the saw. This will allow me to move around. Most likely outside, since I am tight on space in the garage. I will starting this soon as one of my winter projects.
After I painted the dark-blue, I started to work on the boot stripe. I used my laser level to mark out and took advantage of a day of warm weather a couple weeks back to put the first coat of paint on.
I sanded today with 320 grit and will look at the weather for another opportunity to paint the second coat.