Thursday, January 12, 2017

Sanding, Sanding and More Sanding!

I have been sanding, sanding and yes more sanding.  I reference a lot of the blogs all the time and read where builders talked about all the sanding they had to do and I guess it really didn't hit home until I got to this point. So far I have worked multiple sessions of about 8 hours on sanding, but that is an estimate and it could be more.  I have my headphones on and get in to a zoned out mode and just start sanding. I need to figure out how to connect some music to the already supplied connector on my headset to make it more enjoyable. 

With all this sanding, I guess I am having to pay back the epoxy gods for some of my bad "fillet" work I did. Mainly in the areas of the floor supports. It has been a real challenge trying to get it smooth. My process is to sand with 120 then 220 grit, but in that area I pulled out the 80 grit. I use my fingers to feel the smoothness and call it done when there are no rough spots. 

If I sound like I am whining, I am.  Just you wait if you are building!  😷😷 funny I found smiley face with a dust mask!  But seriously, there is a lot and I will be at it for multiple more sessions. I will make the best of it and maybe put some small projects in here and there to break things up, but I am motivated to get it done.

No real pictures, but I will take some of the finished product and post later this weekend. 

Also if there are any questions or more information anyone would like, pictures, etc.  please let me know.  I am out here rambling on, but I know someone is reading this. I like keeping the record of what I have been doing. 


  1. Hi Ron:
    Hey, I was just reading about a type of primer called 'high build'. It's specifically for use with rough surfaces like epoxy and fillets. Just fyi. I'm the PS builder in Baltimore. My email address is; don't use my blog much.....Good luck, Jimmy

  2. Hey Jimmy, thanks for stopping by. I will send you a pm.
